Shadow’s Litter



Isabella’s Litter






  • King Henry Ostel

    King Henry, named for the Tennessee Titan Running Back Derrick Henry and King Henry VIII, is a toy poodle. He weighs about 3.8 lbs. He is a snuggly little dude and loves to be in the action. He loves taking trips in the puppy purse or satchel. He’s very easy to take around, because he is so tiny.

  • Shadow Ostel

    Shadow is a gorgeous black miniature poodle. She weighs about 12lbs. She is prissy and perfect, as well as very talkative. Her disposition is calm and alert. She is very attentive to people.

  • Isabella Ostel

    Isabella is a fun playful sweet baby. She loves to carry anything in her mouth as if she is so proud of herself. She will snuggle and sleep in any position. Isabella brightens every room she is in. She is a mini Golden Doodle. She weighs about 15lbs